
The Fault in Our Stars

"Mother's glass eye turned inward," Augustus began. As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.
- Hazel Grace, the Fault in Our Stars, John Green

Recent random memory: was finishing the book on a flight back to Manila, engrossed in the lives of Hazel and Gus. "A grenade" Hazel thinks of herself. Towards the end of the book, I was there on the plane, sobbing.

From Amazon: Hazel is sixteen, with terminal cancer, when she meets Augustus at her kids-with-cancer support group. The two are kindred spirits, sharing an irreverent sense of humor and immense charm, and watching them fall in love even as they face universal questions of the human condition--How will I be remembered? Does my life, and will my death, have meaning?--has a raw honesty that is deeply moving. (Seira Wilson)

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